Our Service: Planning, development & customization

Our Service: Planning, development & customization

Being specialists, we have the answers to any of our customer's special challenges. From concept to finished product, we are your solution provider when it comes to developing special-purpose tools for processing all sorts of materials in a wide range of segments.

You tell us what you need, and we will develop technical solutions and analyse the proposed options with you until we arrive at the final product. We can also develop prototypes for you, carry out tests on the materials you provide us with and optimise whichever special-purpose tool you require as the perfect answer to any particular need.

To give you the best possible solution to your machining activities, such as sawing, drilling, milling and scanning, we need to know every detail of all the machining processes that are involved.
Being familiar with this segment-specific and production-related information as well as having the ability to create new solutions in cooperation with leading machine manufacturers and end users all go together in providing the key to making high-quality machining and cutting equipment.

This makes applying new design and production methods just as much part of GROTEFELD as the regular further training of our staff.